Can I have some?

welcome to my blog.

a place to post. a place to eat oreos. a place to vent. a place to heal.

i started this blog so i could use a different outlet besides munching on fattening oreos. as if that has done any good... *mind wanders to oreo package in the house...*

then i realized that oreos can be semi symbolic. if you are are that crazy about oreos that is. which... i am.

eating oreos is therapeutic for me. when i am struggling or when i need a pick me up. they have chocolate. and sugar. both of which help lift my mood. not to mention that i eat them soaked with milk, which is my miracle drink.

i post my posts to not only get stuff out. there may be people who read my blog who have been in the same kind of situations as i have. i hope reading them and knowing that others have gone through things like i have, will be to you what eating oreos does to me.

and yes. i didn't capitalize anything in here. i just felt like it. deal with it.

munch up.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The pig has flown again.

For anyone who reads this that isn't a friend of mine on bacefook or a family member who I e-mailed... (which probably sums up most everyone who reads this...) Rocket Scientist got diagnosed with Swine Flu today.

Here's the whole story:

On Thursday I had a color facial with one of my friends. She invited her friends. One of them I know. She brought her kids. Sometime during the facial, she commenced in telling me that her kids had just been throwing up. Her oldest had been over it for about a day (probably only 12 hours) but her youngest one was "just about done". I had brought my kids to this color facial and suddenly started to wonder why in the world she brought her kids. If she couldn't find a babysitter, just don't come! How irresponsible is that to spread sick inducing germs???

*deep breath....*

Sometime in the middle of the night (the day before Saturday), Bug threw up. I was having a really hard time to have kind hearted thoughts to this woman who brought her sick kids in public. She can say whatever she want to me but when it is my kids who are suffering because of her thoughtless actions or words......

*deep breath....*

Thankfully, Bug only threw up twice that day. After the second time we gave him a pepto bismol tablet and he was fine minus a slight fever. He slept more that day than he usually does, so he probably wasn't feeling the greatest. Another little tidbit about this day... I wasn't feeling up to par in the morning myself. I was kind of feeling a little nauseated, but it didn't last long. Probably before we even had lunch I was feeling better. I never threw up.

Sunday dawned bright and clear (not really... it was actually pretty stormy), and I was thinking/hoping that we were over being sick. Then Rocket Scientist mentioned that he didn't feel the greatest either. We probably didn't check his temp until sometime in the afternoon, but I assume (he is so patient and never complains... not like a certain someone I know... *points finger to self*) he was feeling crappy all day long. Right before we went to sleep that night his temperature was 100.0.

Monday morning his temp had risen to 101.4. We went to instacare around noon. Then came home cursing the stupid pigs who twisted the flu bug.

So. That is the story. I think I am more worried about this than I need to be, and certainly more than I know because I have been in hiding. I'm VERY good at hiding. So good in fact that I usually don't realize I am hiding until hours later...

I have already lost one infant. If Squirmy gets this bug I think I just might break down. Even before I know if he will survive it or not.

Even if you are not religious... please.... pray for us.

1 comment:

Danelle and Alex said...

That is horrible!!! I hope he is the only one that gets it. Alex got the flu when Kade was really little so I went to bountiful nutrition to ask them how to protect kade. They have these vitamin c drops made by highland. They are all natural and that will help him not get it. They told me that if he does get it to give him a little coloidal silver. I hope it passes by soon. And congrats on the good newses! It is soo wonderful when they sleep through the night!