Can I have some?

welcome to my blog.

a place to post. a place to eat oreos. a place to vent. a place to heal.

i started this blog so i could use a different outlet besides munching on fattening oreos. as if that has done any good... *mind wanders to oreo package in the house...*

then i realized that oreos can be semi symbolic. if you are are that crazy about oreos that is. which... i am.

eating oreos is therapeutic for me. when i am struggling or when i need a pick me up. they have chocolate. and sugar. both of which help lift my mood. not to mention that i eat them soaked with milk, which is my miracle drink.

i post my posts to not only get stuff out. there may be people who read my blog who have been in the same kind of situations as i have. i hope reading them and knowing that others have gone through things like i have, will be to you what eating oreos does to me.

and yes. i didn't capitalize anything in here. i just felt like it. deal with it.

munch up.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Go figure

Post titles and stories popping in and out of my head all day. Bug's in bed and I thought I'd put my thoughts into words. Nothing is coming to mind. I can't remember a single one... Go figure...

Anyway, I promised you more randomness, so I guess this is the post for that. :) I have these wallet sized pictures of Bug to send to all my siblings on both sides, and here they sit. Just waiting and longing to get in envelopes and get sent off. I have family in Colorado as well, and I still need to send them Little Angel's tribute. Guess what? I have no idea where they are.... I have a frame waiting around to put one in, and I can't for the life of me find all the extras we had.

Oh guess what? I remembered one of my post ideas! Here it is. :)

Title: First time

Post: So I put my hands in raw meat today (yes family, I did... crazy huh? What one will do to feed her children...) For the first time, or at least the first time without gloves. I did it plenty times at Jacob Lake with gloves on. Well, while I was washing them off, (my hands not gloves, wait, what gloves???) I just started by rinsing them as the water warmed up. I was kind of sickened by the whole thing anyway since I don't really like getting my hands slimy. As I was rinsing them, the slime wouldn't go away... Even grosser, I could see it on my hands... eeeew!!! It must have been the grease from the meat, but in any case, it wouldn't come off with just water. I very carefully squirted some soap on my hands and then the grease came off just fine. I soaped them three times even (yeah, I don't like slimy hands...). As me and Bug were eating (since Rocket Scientist is working from 4-midnight every night, yes even Sunday...) the meatballs, I started to think about the experience.

There are times that all of us get "slimy hands" from sin or other things that go against the Lord's way. We can try and just rinse them with water and hide them from the world, and sometimes that does work, but they are still slimy. We need the cleansing power of Christ's atoning blood to get our hands truly clean. Corny example I know, but still it is true. And I think we need these little moments of applying these gospel principles into our life to remind us why we are truly here and what we need to do. So whenever I make meatballs again or think about Dad making meatloaf/buffalo patties, this will probably pop in my mind again.

What a wonderful thing the gospel is!!! How grateful I am to my parents in teaching me these truths, and for helping me know that the gospel is true!!! How wonderful is the Holy Ghost to put these thoughts into our minds! Today in church we sang "The Lord is my Light" as a break hymn, and what a wonderful song!!! I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to stand up there leading all the friends that I love so much and in a way bear my testimony that the Lord is MY light! Music is really wonderful isn't it? It can bring the spirit so fast that just the thought that a song is coming I get tingles. It is amazing just how many songs give me tingles. I probably tingle 3 or 4 times in the movie Cars, no matter how many times Bug asks to watch it.

What a wonderful life I have. I'm so grateful for so many things that I just don't know how I can ever say my thanks enough. And boy do I know I don't thank my Father enough. For the past couple of weeks probably, the only prayers I have been saying are the blessings on the food. Occasionally I will kneel down and really pray to my Father in a personal prayer, but lately I have been failing on that score. At this moment I am looking at some rolls someone in my ward just brought over (she interrupted my blogging...), and I am just SO grateful for these many people in my life that have blessed me so much! I wish I could just shout it to the world!!

Like I said before, what a wonderful life I have.

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