Can I have some?

welcome to my blog.

a place to post. a place to eat oreos. a place to vent. a place to heal.

i started this blog so i could use a different outlet besides munching on fattening oreos. as if that has done any good... *mind wanders to oreo package in the house...*

then i realized that oreos can be semi symbolic. if you are are that crazy about oreos that is. which... i am.

eating oreos is therapeutic for me. when i am struggling or when i need a pick me up. they have chocolate. and sugar. both of which help lift my mood. not to mention that i eat them soaked with milk, which is my miracle drink.

i post my posts to not only get stuff out. there may be people who read my blog who have been in the same kind of situations as i have. i hope reading them and knowing that others have gone through things like i have, will be to you what eating oreos does to me.

and yes. i didn't capitalize anything in here. i just felt like it. deal with it.

munch up.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Random facts tag

I've been tagged by my Sister-in-law Tara (sorry it took me so long to do this Tara!!!)
Feel free to put this on your blog if you want

Here are the rules:

1)Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4)Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 Facts About Myself

1. I have an innate sense of smell. I can smell a poopy diaper right under Rocket Scientist's nose across the room and he can't. (In fact I can smell one right now maybe the reason for mentioning it in the first place? Who knows? I'll be right back in any case.)

2. I can't stand slimy/gross/greasy things (as mentioned earlier in my blog) or at least touching them.

3. I spend way too much time on the computer because our apartment is so small and I can hear Bug playing, even watch him if I want.

4. I dreamt an anime that was so cool I didn't want to wake up. Some day I'll tell you about it.

5. I love Christmas songs so much that I'm listening to "The Christmas Song" right now.

6. I have never been on a plane and have wanted to my whole life. I have even had a couple of opportunities to, but never had enough money or it just didn't work out. I haven't even had a flying dream.

7. I laid in the grass with a neighbor I don't feel particularly close to and watched the clouds go by imagining they are different things. I don't even remember doing that as a child.

Who Do I tag? Whoever wants to do this :)

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