Can I have some?

welcome to my blog.

a place to post. a place to eat oreos. a place to vent. a place to heal.

i started this blog so i could use a different outlet besides munching on fattening oreos. as if that has done any good... *mind wanders to oreo package in the house...*

then i realized that oreos can be semi symbolic. if you are are that crazy about oreos that is. which... i am.

eating oreos is therapeutic for me. when i am struggling or when i need a pick me up. they have chocolate. and sugar. both of which help lift my mood. not to mention that i eat them soaked with milk, which is my miracle drink.

i post my posts to not only get stuff out. there may be people who read my blog who have been in the same kind of situations as i have. i hope reading them and knowing that others have gone through things like i have, will be to you what eating oreos does to me.

and yes. i didn't capitalize anything in here. i just felt like it. deal with it.

munch up.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Super Grover! To the rescue!!!

Once upon a time Pro Boxer and I went on a date to Borders (you know, when it still existed...) and we found a stuffed Grover toy.  I giggled as I picked it up and shoved it in Pro Boxer's face.

"Near!" I said, then ran a distance away from him, making sure to have Grover's arms and legs flailing the whole time.

Then I turned around and said, "Far!"

Lather, rinse, repeat.  (or just repeat - over and over and over.)  Naturally we had to get the doll, so we did.  I can't remember if we got it then, or if Pro Boxer bought it for me as a present, but anyway - we have it now.

So Goof Ball is going to preschool again this year and at the beginning of the year, the teachers told me what their goals were for him.  Apparently he didn't understand the difference between near and far (see where I'm going with this?).  I just nodded and kept listening to them, thinking about the Grover movie (see link above).  A few days after when I needed to get something from the garage I dug out the Grover doll that had been put in my "memories" box.  When I got back in the house, I shoved the doll in Goof Ball's face and said, "Near!"

And well... yeah.  He giggled.  A lot.  And when he started doing it with me, I let him take over the control of the Grover doll and we watched the movie.  I had it a bit wrong, and Grover is more entertaining on the video, but well... he got it in that one 5-10 min sitting, and I just had to smile to myself.

Just wait, it gets better.

Just a few days ago I got a call from his preschool and his teacher said that he already met one of his goals.  I held back asking what one it was (even though I already guessed it) until they told me on their own and told me what the next step for that goal was.  I just smiled to myself and said, "Yeah, that's fine."  After I hung up I had a good laugh.  I thought about telling them about Grover, but I figured I'd tell them when I next saw them in person.

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